
Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all information collected or submitted to the Elphabet website and the Elphabet application across all platforms.

Information collected

The language-learning data (eg. flashcard content, text snippets) you enter into the Elphabet app is stored on your device and synced via Apple iCloud (TM). This data is not otherwise accessed by Simplement Services or any third-parties.

Analytics, usage, and performance information is collected using the third-party tool Telemetry Deck. This helps us understand how our users are using our app and how we can improve it. TelemetryDeck does not collect any personally identifiable information. You can read more about TelemetryDeck’s privacy policy at https://telemetrydeck.com/privacy


By using our site and/or the Elphabet application, you consent to our privacy policy.

Contacting us

You can ask questions about our privacy policy and data usage by contacting the email address: “support (at) elphabet.app”